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Slavery, manumission and the law in nineteenth-century Brazil (Record no. 582821)

MARC details
000 -label
leader 02382nam 22200313u 44500
003 - Identifiant pérenne de la notice
100 ## - données générales de traitement
données générales de traitement 20131119 2014 frey50
101 ## - langue
langue du document Anglais
200 ## - titre
titre Slavery, manumission and the law in nineteenth-century Brazil
type doc Extrait
auteur Keila Grinberg
sous-titre reflections on the law of 1831 and the ‘principle of liberty’ on the southern frontier of the Brazilian empire
210 ## - éditeur
date de publication 2014
215 ## - description
volume et page 11 p.
300 ## - note
texte de la note Résumé en anglais
320 ## - note
texte de note Bibliogr. p. 410-411
330 ## - résumé
résumé This paper aims to discuss the process of delegitimisation of Brazilian slavery in the second half of the nineteenth century. Several reasons contributed to delegitimise the slave regime in Brazil, such as the end of the Atlantic slave trade, the rise of the average price of a slave and the growing number of manumissions. A large number of these manumissions were obtained through freedom suits, in which slaves brought lawsuits against their masters arguing in the courts that they had the right to be freed. The paper focuses specifically on the freedom suits initiated in the late 1860s on the border of Brazil with Uruguay. In these lawsuits, slaves argued that, because they had crossed the border and stepped on free Uruguayan soil, they had the right to be freed once they returned to Brazil. Lawyers based their petitions on an 1831 law that prohibited the entrance of slaves into Brazilian territory. It also demonstrates that the free soil concept, after being considered juridically legitimate by the courts, was used by abolitionist lawyers throughout the country in the 1870s, contributing to the political movement that ended the slave regime in Brazil.
461 ## - In
titre de l'ensemble European Review of History
numéro de volume, pages d'extrait vol. 16-3, p. 401-411
ISSN 1350-7486
646 ## - Sujets - Candidat descripteur
descripteur sol libre
697 ## - Pactols Lieux
ark 26678/pcrt8MX4DfGUpg
698 ## - Pactols Époque
ark 26678/pcrtlrjJOpjvFx
terme XIXe siècle
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrtZB9iAZQbhj
terme esclavage
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrtzr7nbwzqRx
terme esclave
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrtwTMLkQ5qo9
terme législation
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrt2XKbjOmPcT
terme loi
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrtYubrNNSU09
terme procès
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrtf12kwPbFYR
terme affranchissement
699 ## - Pactols Sujet
ark 26678/pcrtKurGXXzPWV
terme abolition de l'esclavage
700 ## - auteur(s)
numéro de la notice d'autorité 119077701
auteur Grinberg
prénom Keila
dates 1971-....
801 ## - source de catalogage
agence de catalogage ISTA
831 ## - informations retenues
code fonds site besISTA
numéro ancienne base 10516703
date de saisie 20140522
cote Cr-Per 154-16.3
Propriétaire Dépositaire Localisation Cote date de prêt ou de dépôt Statut Date d'acquisition
Besançon : ISTA - Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité Besançon : ISTA - Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité Libre accès Cr-Per 154-16.3 2014-05-23 Disponible 2014-05-23