000 01968naa2a22003011 4500
003 https://ark.frantiq.fr/ark:/26678/cci135799
014 _2doi
090 _9135799
100 _a20080911 1973 frey50
101 _aeng
200 _aHuman remains from Ein Gev I, Jordan Valley, Israel
_fB. Arensburg and O. Bar Yosef
210 _d1973
330 _aLe squelette d 'une femme, ǵě de 30 4̉0 ans, a ť m̌is au jour sur le site prȟistorique d'Ein Gev 1, dans un contexte kb̌arien dat p̌ar le C14 d'environ 13. 750 av. J. C. En dp̌it du mauvais ťat de conservation des os et de l'absence des maxillaires, la presque totalit ďu squelette a pu t̊re consolid ět ťudi.̌ Tant les caractr̈es mťriques que morphologiques permettent de placer cet individu dans une population proto-mďiterraněnne, trs̈ semblable c̉elle des natoufiens. (revue)
330 _aIn the prehistoric site of Ein Gev l, related to the Kebaran and dated by C-14 to ca. 13 750 BC, the skeleton of a woman, 30-40 yrs old was uncovered. In spite of the broken state of the bones and the absence of the maxilla, most parts of the skeleton were repaired and studied. The metrical features as well as the morphological ones assign the individual to a Proto-Mediterranean population, very similar to the Natufian.
461 _tPalǒrient
_v1, 2, p. 201-206
630 _a944
630 _a312
697 _426678/pcrtpIqbjeq5GL
697 _426678/pcrt9jyEtDNs3m
_aEin Guev
697 _426678/pcrtXSPhjYfvXJ
_aJourdain (fleuve)
698 _426678/pcrtwpx5MU2hlw
698 _426678/pcrtNcvU9Ed8ln
699 _426678/pcrttcpeEPi2K0
_aanthropologie biologique
699 _426678/pcrthVHcfmv1xQ
700 _3169379671
701 _3028060512
831 _avalCRA