000 02702naa2a2200409 4500
003 https://ark.frantiq.fr/ark:/26678/cci214129
014 _2doi
090 _9214129
100 _a20080911 1989 frey50
101 _aeng
200 _aNemrik 9, a PPN Neolithic site in northern Iraq
_fS.K. Kozlowski
210 _d1989
330 _aLe site nǒlithique acřamique de Nemrik 9, en Iraq du Nord, remonte l̉a fin du 9e millňaire avant J.C. L'occupation se termine au 7e millňaire avant J.C. Aux maisons rondes succd̈ent dans la dernir̈e phase des structures rectangulaires. Un cimetir̈e, une fosse d̉ťritus, un pavement de galets dǧag šur une grande surface ont ť ǧ̌alement mis j̉our. Toutes ces structures permettent d'obtenir une vue presque complẗe des plans du village lors des deux phases les plus rčentes. (revue)
330 _aThe article characterizes the PPN site Nemrik 9 in Northern Iraq. It is a vast site with several layers of settlement. The settlement begins at the end of the 9th millennium BC, and it ends in the middle of the 7th millennium BC. Round houses were replaced by rectangular ones during the last phase of building. A graveyard and a midden were also discovered, and the full extent of the stone pavement was reconstructed. All this makes it possible to reconstruct nearly a complete plan of the early Neolithic village, at least during its two latest phases.
461 _tPalǒrient
_v15, 1, p. 25-31
637 _aNemrik 9
697 _426678/pcrtmyS8MVP4wE
_aProche Orient
697 _426678/pcrtuA0BpLIAzG
697 _426678/pcrtMlp8QQGphE
_aIraq el-Amir
697 _426678/pcrt0EJwy0mAyU
698 _426678/pcrtH8P95EucZz
698 _426678/pcrtcf8LOl20Mv
_aNǒlithique prčřamique
698 _426678/crtYzUTyzgMU4
_aIXe millňaire av. J.-C.
699 _426678/pcrtbptj4SOA1W
699 _426678/pcrt795b632nWw
699 _426678/pcrtWegewfItfX
_aarchitecture domestique
699 _426678/pcrtKJVpuP3AET
699 _426678/pcrtms2OAv82PY
699 _426678/pcrteJiI6BxaFN
699 _426678/pcrtbfqVEeganP
_aindustrie lithique
699 _426678/pcrtqEWFq9RGda
_afigurine de terre cuite
699 _426678/pcrtqJSL8GBh2N
_arepršentation animale
699 _426678/pcrtqbh6Y1DsXN
700 _91000021258
_bStefan Karol
831 _atouBACA
_c447-15-1 / 447-HS
856 _e2014-05-25