000 02384naa2a2200397 4500
003 https://ark.frantiq.fr/ark:/26678/cci214201
014 _2doi
090 _9214201
100 _a20080911 1988 frey50
101 _aeng
200 _aCeramic ring scrapers
_ean Uruk period pottery production tool
_fJ.R. Alden
210 _d1988
330 _aThis paper describes a tool used during the Uruk period (the later fourth and early third millennia BC) in the manufacture of grit-tempered ceramics. It then argues that the widespread adoption of this technological innovation is related to the development of centralized workshop production and regional distribution for this particular class of Uruk pottery. (revue)
330 _aDescription d'un outil utilis ľors de la přiode d'Uruk (fin du quatrim̈e millňaire avant J.-C et premier tiers du troisim̈e) lors de la fabrication de cřamiques d̉ǧraissant minřal. Il est propos q̌ue l'adoption trs̈ large de cette innovation technologique soit mise en relation avec le dv̌eloppement de la production centralisě et d'une distribution rǧionale de cette catǧorie particulir̈e de poterie d'Uruk.
461 _tPalǒrient
_v14, 1, p. 143-150, 2 fig., 1 pl.
697 _426678/pcrt4QuP1TmpvO
697 _426678/pcrtmyS8MVP4wE
_aProche Orient
697 _426678/pcrth9UDyjYXhK
_aMoyen Orient
697 _426678/pcrt9yTy3jql2L
697 _426678/pcrt1T7BJcOAIT
_aKur River Basin (Fars)
697 _426678/pcrt3atxYnsi04
697 _426678/pcrtNM0ydyit0K
698 _426678/pcrtHlenwSnkDM
_aǵe des mťaux
698 _426678/pcrtU9wwh3D5FE
_aBronze ancien
698 _426678/crtWcF7ImT8kv
_aIIIe millňaire av. J.-C.
698 _426678/crtgcP4H7oQKc
_aIVe millňaire av. J.-C.
699 _426678/pcrtfUZSMbifle
_aatelier de potier
699 _426678/pcrtfx4s0yvSLj
_aterre cuite
699 _426678/pcrtRxLPuVsO8f
699 _426678/pcrt1DMOWvDF4j
_acřamique (matřiau)
699 _426678/pcrtXpeIEtqsSk
699 _426678/pcrtvWHPMsEEqO
_avie quotidienne
700 _3176566430
_bJohn R
831 _atouBACA
856 _e2014-05-26